Amnesty Activism

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The Riga Pride is banned... Take Action NOW!!! URGENT!!!

2009.05.14. 13:30 | dorisz1987 | Szólj hozzá!

As some of you might already know there are concerns over the moves by the several elected representatives of the Riga Council to ban the Baltic Pride march taking place in Riga this weekend. Over 70 AI activists from 23 countries are getting ready to join other activists coming from other parts of Europe to support the three main organisers of the march.

We need to take a very quick action, to put pressure on the Latvian authorities to ensure that the march is allowed to take place as planned.
Please use the attached letter as an email to the Prime Minister of Latvia. The email address can be found below under Name and Address.
However, if you do not wish to send the email from your own email account, please click on the attached link of the Prime Minister office email page and send the email from there.

Prime Minister's Office email page:

Name and address of Prime Minister:
Valdis Dombrovskis
Prime Minister
Brivibas Boulevard 36,
Rîga, LV-1520

Fax: +371 67280469

Just copy in this letter and send! It is very IMPORTANT!!!


Dear Prime Minister, 

I am writing to express Amnesty International’s concerns over moves by several elected representatives of the Riga City Council (RCC) to ban the Baltic Pride march, scheduled to take place in

Riga on 16 May 2009. The march is being organised by the Latvian NGO Mozaika together with three other lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender organisations from the Baltic region.  Over 70 Amnesty International activists from 23 European countries are intending to travel to Riga to participate in the march and related events. 

The proposed Baltic Pride march was authorised by the RCC’s Commission on Meetings,

Marches and Demonstrations on 8 May, following a series of agreements between the organisers, the City Council and the police on the march’s venue and the necessary security arrangements. 

On 13 May, however, 34 of the 60 RCC Councillors sent an open letter to the RCC’s Executive Director, Andris Grinbergs, calling on him to revoke the decision of 8 May, on the grounds that the march was offensive to public decency and posed a threat to public security. The 34 signatories have threatened to overrule the decision of the Commission on Meetings,

Marches and Demonstrations in a special vote on the matter.

The banning of the Baltic Pride Event would violate the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and non-discrimination as set out in several international human rights conventions to which

Latvia is party.

According to international human rights law, freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association should not be restricted or prohibited simply on the grounds that something might shock, offend or disturb. Therefore, a peaceful assembly may not be restricted merely on the grounds that it might offend an individual or group. Moreover, states have an obligation to protect the right to peaceful assembly even if a peaceful gathering may attract violent counter-demonstrations.

Amnesty International therefore calls on the Latvian authorities to ensure that the Baltic Pride event is allowed to take place under the originally agreed conditions and that the necessary security arrangements are in place to allow for the peaceful celebration of the rights and dignity of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the Baltic countries and across Europe.

Yours sincerely

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