Amnesty Activism

We wanted that activists of Amnesty International Hungary could have a surface on the Internet where they can get information about the newest actions, campaigns and even Urgent Actions. Regular event: EVERY THURSDAY: ACTIVIST MEETING IN THE SZIMPLA KERT (Budapest Group)


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Obama 100 Street action (photos)

2009.04.30. 12:54 | dorisz1987 | Szólj hozzá!

The photos of the yesterday street action are available on 2 links. You can check: and the photos of JD are available on check them out! :)

Tomorrow Street Action!!!! URGENT

2009.04.28. 12:25 | dorisz1987 | Szólj hozzá!

Tomorrow, on 29th April Amnesty International Hungary will organize a street action infront of the American Embassy, Budapest.It will be the 100th Day of the Obama administration, so want to deliver a Mixed Message: We are happy because he closed Guantanamo, but he has to end impunity and close…

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