Amnesty Activism

We wanted that activists of Amnesty International Hungary could have a surface on the Internet where they can get information about the newest actions, campaigns and even Urgent Actions. Regular event: EVERY THURSDAY: ACTIVIST MEETING IN THE SZIMPLA KERT (Budapest Group)


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Amnesty in the Zöld Pardon

2009.06.03. 16:44 | dorisz1987 | Szólj hozzá!

On 22nd of July Amnesty will be in the Zöld Pardon's Civil Pont. We need 6-8 activist who will be able to inroduce the organization, our campaigns and recruite new members. It is a good party all the time. The info point will open at 19.00, but we will be there from 18.00. I am waiting for your…

Sziget Festival!

2009.06.02. 14:49 | dorisz1987 | Szólj hozzá!

We can go to the Sziget Festival this year to promote Amnesty, introduce the campaign topics and collect signatures. I would like to ask everybody who wants to come, to send me back the attached application form. Before the Festival there will be a community building training that will be compulsory…

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