Amnesty Activism

We wanted that activists of Amnesty International Hungary could have a surface on the Internet where they can get information about the newest actions, campaigns and even Urgent Actions. Regular event: EVERY THURSDAY: ACTIVIST MEETING IN THE SZIMPLA KERT (Budapest Group)


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UA: Death penalty in Tibet

2009.05.03. 11:53 | dorisz1987 | Szólj hozzá!

 CHINA  Losang Gyaltse (m) , Loyar  (m) Two Tibetans, Losang Gyaltse and Loyar, were sentenced to death on 8 April by the Municipal Intermediate People's Court in Lhasa, the capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR). It is unclear if they will appeal against their…

Obama 100 Street action (photos)

2009.04.30. 12:54 | dorisz1987 | Szólj hozzá!

The photos of the yesterday street action are available on 2 links. You can check: and the photos of JD are available on check them out! :)

Tomorrow Street Action!!!! URGENT

2009.04.28. 12:25 | dorisz1987 | Szólj hozzá!

Tomorrow, on 29th April Amnesty International Hungary will organize a street action infront of the American Embassy, Budapest.It will be the 100th Day of the Obama administration, so want to deliver a Mixed Message: We are happy because he closed Guantanamo, but he has to end impunity and close…

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