Amnesty Activism

We wanted that activists of Amnesty International Hungary could have a surface on the Internet where they can get information about the newest actions, campaigns and even Urgent Actions. Regular event: EVERY THURSDAY: ACTIVIST MEETING IN THE SZIMPLA KERT (Budapest Group)


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Peace signs throughout the country

2009.03.09. 16:11 | dorisz1987 | Szólj hozzá!

Related to the World March for Peace there will be more Peace and Non-Violence Signs throughout the country. Here is a list of the dates and venues:Budapest, Garden of Philosophy, 21st March 17.30There will be a Peace sign with more than 500 participants what will transform in a Symbol of…

International Days

2009.03.09. 15:07 | dorisz1987 | Szólj hozzá!

I have collected some International Days that would be relevant from human rights aspect. I ask you to inform me, via e-mail or comment (you can send comment through the "Szólj hozzá" button, above the article) , which day would be the most interesting for you to mobilize the AI…

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